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My Dear Bed
Just doing my things
Vorige namen:
~ In dreams we anter a world that is entirely ouw own ~
~ Don't let your dreams always be dreams ~
~ Think on while you're dreaming ~
~ Take a leep of faith and commit fully to what you really want ... Go for it ~
~ I love the way you make me laugh, even when I don't want to smile ~
~ I'm losing weight for myself ... But I also want it to be a big SCREW YOU to all the people who never gave me a chance because I was Fat ~
~ Being single doesn't mean you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve. ~
~ Stay strong ~
~ Isn't it weird wen people talk sh*t about you, When the only thing they actually know about you, is your name ~
~ Wanting to be someone you're NOT, is a waste of the person you are. ~
~ My mom always tells me that the humanity is note made to be alone ~
~ I can't explaine how painfull it is to wait for something that never comes. NEVER ~
~ Dream it. Wish it. Do it. ~
~ Boys and girls can be best friends ~
~ That wich doesn't kill us, makes us stronger ~
~You're my everything <3 ~
~ People say I have on attitude problem, I say you have the problem and I have the attitude ~
~ Having to share your guy friend with his girlfriend ~
~ I never let my best friend do studip things ... alone ~
~ My friends and family are everything to me ~
~ A day spent with friends is always a day well spent ~
~ Anyways ... Life goes on! ~
~ My attitude will always be base on how you treat me. ~
~ Disney ~
~ Fear is a liar ~
~ Sometimes it's better to be alone, so nobody can hurt you. ~
~ I like you, you're cute and funny ~
~ I think I'm a better gost than I'm a human. ~
~ Just stay true to yourself and true to what you believed ~
~ You know my name, not my story ~
~ Infinity ~
~ Become friends again ~
Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story.
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3929 [24 uur]
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1 decennium geledenOh nu voel ik me echt dom omdat ik niet heb gezien dat je op 31 oktober zou beginnen... :') Maar oké, ik kan wachten (: x
1 decennium geleden
1 decennium geledenHaha Thx

1 decennium geledenAlsjee (:
1 decennium geleden